How I read 144 books in one year...

Every year I make a goal of how many books I’d like to read - usually I pick a pretty manageable number (like 50) but in 2023 I thought I’d reach for the stars and aim for 100.

By September I had achieved that goal and by December 31st… well lets just say I smashed that shit right out of the court with a grand old total of 144.

So… how do I do it?
It is a question I am asked constantly.
It’s fair to say that not having a partner to talk to or a TV to stare at definitely helps. I watch a netflix movie or doco maybe once a month. All that time is spent reading books with my son, who is a fellow book worm.
When I became a mother I decided that I wanted music, wholesome food and reading books to be a big part of our days together. And in order to have a book-loving child, I needed to be the role model of these things.

I read while making dinner.
I keep a book in my handbag and one in the car in case you’re ever in a ‘waiting for someone’ situation.
I go to bed early and read for at least an hour per night.
My son and I always make time to read together during the day - we set up a reading tent or hang out on the trampoline with cushions and snacks!

So here are my top tips for reading more books:
Read on the sofa, read in bed, read on the toilet, read during the day, read at night, read in the bath, read at the beach or in a park, read on your lunchbreak, read while watering the garden, read on holiday, read instead of scrolling through social media!!

Basically make time to read because it’s one of the greatest gifts on earth.