The journey to creating Children's Learning Modules

Do you remember the traditional learning books you had as a kid, the ones featuring a letter you’d have to trace around its dot-to-dot outline? I remember having these learning resources and only ever completing them so I wouldn’t get in trouble from a teacher. What can I say, I've been pushing against the traditional way of doing things since the late 80’s!

When my son was three years old, he started showing an interest in writing letters so we began the journey of alphabet and number practice and, as most parents do, I promptly ordered a variety of learning books for children his age.
The excitement of opening the parcel and these shiny new books was short-lived when, within a few minutes, he declared he was bored and didn’t like them. You can only smile at the irony here, right? He’s just like his mumma. He found the content of these books dull and repetitive. 

I feel our children’s genuine hunger for knowledge and learning is so special, and keeping that excitement and enthusiasm alive for as long as possible is top priority.

If the traditional way of learning and teaching didn’t work for me, and it clearly wasn’t going to work for my son either, I knew the only option was to think outside the traditional and mainstream box so I started to create learning activities tailored to suit his way of learning.

We started experimenting. First, I bought a huge pad of blank pages and started filling it with different activities, paying attention to which ones he enjoyed or wanted more of. I would write his name and other words for him to copy and when there was a letter he found a bit harder, we would practise until he was happy. 

The sense of achievement he got from completing a whole word, compared to the repetition of one letter practice, was huge and it meant he was always hungry for more. He is the kind of child who will sit for hours playing lego and, now, happily work away on learning activities at his own pace. Being able to focus his energy on what’s exciting him, while having the freedom and flexibility to be self-led is something I never want to be crushed out of him and, unfortunately, the likelihood of that in a traditional and mainstream learning environment is quite high.

A big part of the way we learn is through everyday life activities, adventure and play. I take every opportunity to incorporate learning in the things we do together like; home cooking, nature walks, road signs while driving in the car, building lego, selling the vegetables he has grown and counting the money, writing lists and reminders for our family. I feel these are all opportunities to engage with our children in an environment where they feel safe - kids learning activities at home!

Having shared snippets of our learning journey and experimenting with different methods on Instagram, I was immediately flooded with messages from mothers also wanting to try something different and get their hands on the materials I was using. 

So here they are, from one mother to another. Nature and play-based learning modules for your beautiful children.

3 modules filled with educational activities & projects including, alphabet and number practice, projects and crafts that will take you on adventures, creating plenty of space for learning to be light, fun-filled and keep the love of learning alive.

Available now!
♡ Ocean-inspired
♡ Nature-inspired
♡ Fungi-inspired
Learning modules sold individually or you can purchase in the value bundle and receive the Weekly Planner Digital Download as my FREE GIFT to you.

I hope you enjoy these as much as we do.
xo Bec